Futuristic Stone Styles

Futuristic Stone Styles
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We are now offering a glimpse forward at Futuristic Stone Styles with our aptly named Futuristic Stone. The technical advances in the cutting of stone have made collections like this one possible. The future of stone may indeed by now.

As you can see in the imagery in this post, this collection creates a truly unique atmosphere in any space that it inhabits. Radial movement, acute angles, and notice the cool obtuse angles where they are more than 90° and less than 180°.

Futuristic Stone Styles

A central driver in the production of materials like these is CNC technology. The website TechTarget.com defines CNC as: “Computer numerical control (CNC) is a method for automating control of machine tools through the use of software embedded in a microcomputer attached to the tool. … Mills, lathes, routers, grinders and lasers are common machine tools whose operations can be automated with CNC.” It is fairly easy to believe that this idea is extraordinarily applicable to the stone industry.

As always, Tureks is staying ahead of the design curve. Thanks for reading.

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