Belgium Blue Limestone Collection

Belgium Blue Limestone

Black Marble Collection

Black Marble

Black Marble comes from Central Turkey. Our black marble has a solid background with or without white veins. Depending on the selection it can go from solid neutral marble to classic beauty. Please enjoy!Black Polished Marble is a metamorphic stone with a timeless history as a flooring, wall covering, paving material and sculptural medium. Think for a moment of the Taj Mahal, the Statue of a David, the Lincoln Memorial, the Washington Monument and perhaps your local courthouse. Then, you have thought of but a tiny sample of the cultural and utilitarian impact that marble has had on human civilization.
Iris Black Marble Collection

Iris Black Marble

Iris black marble; It is a marble consisting of black and thin white lines that Tureks extracted from its own quarry and processed. In terms of its structure, black marble adds a different atmosphere to your place.