Turkish Dolomit or Dolomiti

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In chemical respect, Turkish dolomit or dolomiti is a natural stone that is composed of calcium and magnesium. Although these stones were widely used in many fields since ancient times, they were believed to be a type of pebble.

However, in 1971, Count Dolomien renamed these natural stones after the discovery of French geologist Deodat de Dolomieu. He discovered that these stones are actually composed of minerals, and this is the biggest difference between them and calcites.

Natural stones are widely preferred in landscaping and without a doubt, one of the most commonly preferred natural stones in this regard is dolomite or dolomiti. Dolomites, which are generally used as an ornament in landscaping projects, are one of the best options on the market and they can provide an exotic atmosphere in any project. You can even achieve a better look when you combine these natural stones with others.

bianco dolomiti

It is possible for you to bring some colors around your home, gardens, or any living spaces with the help of these natural stones. Turkish dolomit or dolomiti is one of the indispensable elements of all landscape projects. Thanks to their wide color and form options, you can easily create the desired pattern or design in any project.

As Tureks, we offer a wide range of natural stones for our customers to contribute their efforts to make their living spaces better. You can always visit our homepage at www.tureks.com and learn more about our products and services.

Properties of Turkish Dolomit or Dolomiti

It will be worth noting that Turkish dolomit or dolomiti stones, which are commonly preferred in decoration and landscaping projects, have different properties. Below, you can find some common properties of these natural stones.

● You can enjoy a wide range of color and size options. All these properties are the natural properties of these stones, and no additional processes are required to obtain these.

● They are also considered limestone, and they include magnesium carbonate and calcium carbonate in their composition. They are widely available in nature as sedimentary rocks.

● The colors of these natural stones also indicate their durability.

● Color options such as white, yellow stripes determine the hardness rate of these natural stones.

● It is possible to achieve different shapes with certain techniques such as tumbling.

● In general, most of these stones have rounded shapes in nature.

● Sharper edges are achieved with special techniques, and they are made ready to be used in landscaping or decoration projects.

These were some of the popular properties of Turkish dolomit or dolomiti stones. Below, you can find detailed information about their usage areas.

Turkish Dolomit or Dolomiti Usage Areas

Contrary to popular belief, Turkish dolomit or dolomiti is not mainly preferred in decoration or landscaping. The high magnesium content of these natural stones makes them the ideal raw material for many industries. This fact is also the direct indicator of the high quality of these natural stones.

Here are some popular usage areas of these natural stones

● As a filler in concrete and road constructions
● As a filler in fertilizer production and soil improvement in agriculture
● In the glass and mineral water production industry
● As a filler in the paint industry
● In ceramic industry
● As a bleach in the chemical industry
● In the filtration of water
● In the production of metallic magnesium
● In the production of Mg0 from seawater and underground magnesium salts
● In the production of refractory bricks and mortar

We have also mentioned the common usage areas of Turkish dolomit or dolomiti stones in landscaping and decoration, which you can find in the following.

Usage Areas of Turkish Dolomit or Dolomiti in Decoration

Without a doubt, Turkish dolomit or dolomiti tones are amazing stones that offer a unique look in your gardens and landscaping projects. In general, these natural stones are preferred around the tree bodies. You can simply spread the stones randomly to achieve a natural and beautiful look.

Here are some of the areas, which these natural stones are widely preferred for decorative purposes.

● Bottoms of trees and flowers
● All kinds of landscape implementations
● Fountains
● Glass vases
● Pools
● Cemeteries
● Walking trails

You can prefer the white Turkish dolomit or dolomiti to achieve an amazing look in your garden. Moreover, you can also create a cute and appealing pathway by determining the edges with these natural stones.

Popular Dolomit or Dolomiti Natural Stones in the World

Besides Turkish dolomit or dolomiti natural stones, there are also popular stones in other countries. Countries such as Sweden, Spain, Canada, Italy, Mexico, and the United States are popular for their natural stones in this category. Here are other types that you can find on the market.

Cobalt Dolomite – This type is found in the Czech Republic, and it has a 5% pureness ratio.

Teruelite Dolomite – This type is found in the Teruel region of Spain and unlike other types, this one is in black.

● Greinerit Dolomite – This one is found in Italy, and it has pink color due to its high levels of manganese.

Taraspite Dolomite – This one is found in many areas but mainly in Sweden. Due to its composition, it has green stripes on it.

There are a lot more dolomite types in the world. You can easily find the perfect option for yourself and your decoration. We can recommend Turkish dolomit or dolomiti to anyone who is planning to achieve the best with minimum effort. However, if you are looking for highly textured and premium quality products, we can help you with this.

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Tureks owns the largest beige marble quarry in Turkey and offers premium quality Turkish products to its customers residing all around the world. You can always visit our relevant categories to learn more about the details of our products.

If you have any further questions or need assistance in certain topics, we will be glad to assist you. You can always contact us through our contact channels and receive the support or assistance you need. Our sales team will be glad to serve you. We will be waiting for you to get in touch.

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